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APRIL 15, 1965 - MARCH AFB 5 P.M. MASS

Copyright © 1995-2025, Father Scannell. All rights reserved.

Today marks the anniversary of the institution of the Most Blessed Sacrament at the Last Supper. From this day on till the end of time, those who believe may enter into the most intimate union possible with the Lord. He give us His very Self for our spiritual food and drink. "Take and Eat," He says to you and to me, "for this is My Body. Take and drink, this is My Blood.

By His infallible word we know that if we believe and live His doctrine, eternal happiness is ours. He says to us: "He that eats my flesh and drinks my blood hath eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day."

Why should any of us find it hard to believe in the Holy Eucharist? Why should any of us find it hard to believe that within a few minutes, our Priest, will do exactly as He did at the Last Supper, change bread and wine into His Body and His Blood? Every day our poor human bodies change food and drink into flesh and blood and we think nothing of it. Let us understand and believe with all our hearts that the same Lord who made our bodies and gave them power to change food and drink into flesh and blood, can easily change bread and wine into His own Body and Blood.

Let us say to Our Lord this day: I believe; O Lord, and help my unbelief. And let ours be the profession of faith that was the profession of faith of St. Thomas Aquinas when receiving Holy Communion for the last time; "If in this world there be any knowledge of this Sacrament stronger than that of faith, I wish now to use it in affirming that I absolutely believe and know for certain that Jesus Christ, true God and true Man, Son of God and Son of the Blessed Virgin Mary, is in this Sacrament." Then with humble obeisance, the dying Saint, welcomed his Sacramental Friend, saying: "I receive Thee, the price of my redemption, for whose love I have watched, studied, and labored. Thee have I preached; Thee have I taught. Never have I said anything against Thee; if anything was not well said, that is to be attributed to my ignorance. Neither do I wish to be obstinate in my opinions, but if I have written anything erroneous concerning this Sacrament or other matters, I submit all to the judgment and correction of the Holy Catholic Church, in whose obedience I now pass from this life."

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